Have you ever felt like you just don't fit in? This little monster felt like all the other critters were so much cuter than he. One look at the cover of this book and we all can agree, that is just not true. Even in our moments of feeling like we are not up to the standard around us, we can look deep inside and remember how special we truly are. This adorable book reminds us that we are all wonderful in our own way. I hope you check out this book and have a loving conversation with your little reader about how amazing they are.
It is winter here and we have snow. It covers the ground and structures. It is white, fluffy powder magic. I love that snowflakes are all different. This book takes you and your little reader on a winter day journey. The characters, just like your little reader, have a lot of questions about what is happening under and above the snow. They see tracks in the snow, but where are the animals that made the tracks? Where are they sleeping and eating? This book has beautiful collage art and wonderfully curious dialog. I hope you check out this book and think about all the magic of winter.
I love Holiday and seasonal books. This is a sweet story about a Norwegian Nisse (elf) that takes care of the farm animals. He has a magic hat that allows him to communicate with the animals. They all live in harmony until he loses his hat, and the magic of communication is gone. The animals and Nisse find new ways to communicate and work together to get the hat back. This is a wonderful story of friendship, compassion, love and holiday traditions. I hope you check it out for your little reader and take some time to talk about Holiday traditions around the world.
A picture book of peaceful calm. Autumn has a feeling of slowing down after a busy summer to prepare for the winter still. Fall Leaves reflects the feelings of autumn and change of seasons. Each page has an excerpt that inspires thought. All the illustrations are intriguing and beautiful. This book is wonderful for a bedtime, nap time or just when you want to cuddle up and calm down.
Some books hold a very special place in our hearts. This book is one of my all-time favorites. My son and I discovered this book years ago at our local library. We were reading all the books about autumn and Halloween. I was very surprised by the endearing story embedded in the pages of humorous illustrations. The author describes a Frankenstein monster named Henry going through his daily routine. Henry soon realizes that he has a big support system that he takes for granted. Henry learns lessons of loss and reconnection of relationships. This book holds the key to so many powerful conversations. I hope you can check it out for your little reader.
This is a delightful book with a beautiful message. Communicating can come in many forms. Willow does not talk but likes to dance. It is her way of expressing herself. I love how this book can open up conversations about how people communicate and how we can listen. The illustrations are graceful and lyrical. The colors express emotions and take you deep into the story. I really felt the autumn season. I hope you check out this book and share it with your little reader. Maybe you can enjoy a dance after.
HAY! How are you doing? I love this so much. A fall book that has the message of checking in on people. This book takes your little reader into a story about some hay friends that are listening, talking and supporting each other. It is a great way to help your reader understand empathy and sympathy. The hay friends are really cute too. I hope you check this out and have great talks with your readers about the importance of caring about each other.
Brian Saviano and Kevin Hinkle created another golden book with their second book of Pro Gamer's Guides. This time they are helping a lovable penguin named Cuddles learn how to make friends. This book is full of endearing illustrations and great advice. If you have a reader that likes to play video games this book is a great way to incorporate both hobbies and encourage conversations about healthy living and good relationships. I hope you check this book out for your pro gamer readers.
I love dogs. I love music. I love books. This book has all three!!!! Barbara Brown has created a fun story about dogs discovering the different ways we can be musical. The characters share how music makes them feel good even if they are not able to create the music. I really enjoyed the whimsical illustrations and playfulness of the characters. I hope you check this book out and maybe even it will inspire you to listen or make music.
Here is a fun early chapter book reader for the summer. It is full of bee facts integrated into the story. Every chapter has tips and exercises for building confidence and positive self-image all while immersing your little reader into the world of the bee community. I could almost smell the honey and pollen while I read about Jazianzza Bee. This book would be a great addition to your summer reads list.
Here is a fun book for the upcoming summer days. Make a glass of lemonade and get your little reader ready for a good book. I love books about friendship. I think it is a great topic because sometimes we wonder how we are doing in the friendship department. Especially, when we are in new situations. I enjoyed how the author reminds us that no one is perfect. What is perfect? It is important to look at all the good in yourself and others. You might need another glass of lemonade and read this book again and again to find all the fun. I hope you check it out.
This book makes me want to hug all my favorite people. The illustrations are so calming and peaceful. The story is so sweet. As the book says, "warm as hot chocolate and sweet as honey." Friendship is a blessing. It is a wonderful gift. This book is a great way to encourage your little reader to cherish and grow relationships. Hedgehog and Hare are different, but they found a way to make their friendship work. I hope you check out this adorable book. I hope you want to hug your friends after reading.
This is a book of animals expressing love and admiration in the forest. it has adorable pictures of forest animals together in loving companionship. Each page has a devotion that integrates the animal in the illustrations. It is fun to play with the words and talk about the animals. I hope you look for this book and read it to your little Valentine.
This is a special book with beautiful illustrations. It takes your little reader through the life of a pinecone. I love the thoughtfulness of the story. Time, patience, bravery and nature all collide to describe how the pinecones grow magnificent on our earth. There are so many curious conversations you can have with your little reader about the biology of pinecones and trees. I hope you check this book out and are inspired to go for a winter's walk.
My favorite author and illustrator has created a wonderful new book. Sakshi Mangal has a special way of sharing stories that warm your heart. In this book Asha wants to help her Papa because he works hard so Asha can go to school. This book reminds us how important it is to love each other and work together. Sometimes we think we need to do things on our own, but we have loved ones that want to be a part of lives and they want to help. I hope you check out this feel-good family story.
This adorable fall tale fallows the caring thoughts of little Fletcher who is very worried about his friend the tree. The tree is getting ready for winter and is losing its leaves. Fletcher is concerned about the changes and wants to help the tree keep its leaves. I love this story because it is a great reminder that season come and go, things can change, and we need to have faith that changes can be good. I hope you check out this book for your little reader. The end has a great surprise.
The fun Crayon books are always a big hit. The Crayons Trick or Treat is a great Halloween read for your little readers. This book takes you through the colorful gang in the crayon box and each personality's take on the Halloween Holiday. I love the characters and how the authors share the friendship and fun the crayons are experiencing while enjoying costumes and dress up. Check out this book for your Halloween celebration.
For parents that have little night owls in your family, this book will be a favorite. I absolutely love the illustrations in this book. Let's just start with that. It has very calming imagery and colors. Then let's talk about the story. This book is so fantastic with its play on words and the message of learning new things. I love that the author talks about going to school to learn something you dream about wanting to do. It is good to try and learn new things. I hope you and your night owl read this book and get inspired to learn, try and maybe even sleep a little.
Anyone have a Ninja in the house at night? Nighttime is full of mystery, adventure and dreams. This ninja gets caught and has some explaining to do. But he is not sure what happened. So, he investigates and uses his powers of observation. I love how the author tells a great mystery. This book is a lot of fun to share with your adventurous readers. I hope you try it out for your family.
Here is a fun underwater tail. This book has beautiful watery illustrations that makes you think you are right there with the fish. I really like how Megan Raugh incorporates so many important talking points into her story. The fish work together on a task when Henry wants to make something special for his mother on her birthday. Does it go perfectly? No. This story really points out how important it is to be flexible and think outside the box. Also, getting help from your friends is always a great idea. I hope you check our this book and the other fun stories by Megan Raugh.
I highly recommend this book and the other books in this series. This is not a picture book as I usually post. This book is for the older readers. My son has really enjoyed this series. It inspired him to make his own version of a Yoda paper art (you can find the directions on my activities page). This book takes you into the world of 6th grade Dwight and his paper Origami Yoda puppet. Dwight's Origami Yoda gives advice to his classmates. The classmates start a case file and document the activity of Origami Yoda to try to solve the mystery of its wisdom or lack thereof. This is a fun book series that can get a 4th-7th grader reading. They might even be inspired to create some paper art characters of their own.
What is outside discovery time without some mud? Kristina and I have the same philosophy about this subject. I am a "get dirty our there" kind of mom. I expect it and I definitely encourage it. Kristina is an early education teacher that has embraced the mud. She has written a wonderful book about playing in the mud. I love the illustrations. They are bright and capture the fun perfectly. If you have a mud lover in your life this book is for you. Check it out.
Too Many Carrots by Katy Hudson is a favorite in our home. I love this pudgy little rabbit and how much he wants it all. He wants all his carrots. I also love how much his friends try to help him with his problems even though it is not easy. This book has a lot of talking points if you want to get into the messages. But, this book is also just so much fun and has so many hilarious moments. I hope you check it out.
JoAnn M. Dickinson does it again with another wonderful book. This book has the most colorful illustrations. I absolutely love them. Lou's zoo is getting a new animal neighbor and all the residents are just buzzing with anticipation. Who is coming and what will they be like? I really enjoyed how JoAnn shared a fun story while talking about meeting new people and accepting others. It's a great talking point that pairs well with her book. I hope you check out her website to learn more about this book and all her books.
This book gave me big smiles and happy feelings. A group of animals want to have a Valentine's party, but they are so concerned that their friend GroundHog will miss the party because he might see his shadow. I love how they work together to help Groundhog be brave. This story has wonderful illustrations. It is warm and loving just like the message of helping friends and loving each other.
I love special books of the season. This book is a perfect companion to the winter months. Especially if you live someplace that has snow. I love the inspiration of going out in nature with your family. There is so many points of interest and topics for conversation. I hope you check out this precious book, get your warm clothes on and get outside to look at all the prints of nature.
This is a precious story about friendship. It takes you on an adventure with Esme and Bear to help deliver a gift. They work through so much adversity and trials. When they get to their destination, they learn the importance of fellowship. This is a wonderful book that I plan to read every year. I hope you check it out.
Sakshi Mangal is one of my very favorite illustrators. I love her style and whimsy. (She did a great job illustrating Winston) This book has a fun story about useful and not so useful things. Louie the Rat is creative and likes to make useful things. He finds a way to help his community with his talents. I found this very inspirational. I think there are so many topics we can learn from this book. I hope you and your little reader check out Sakshi's book. It really encouraged and motivated me to want to create.
Does your kid like video games and watching gaming content creators? Mine does. We discovered Brian Saviano (a.k.a. Bricks 'O' Brian) a long time ago. We continue to watch him because he is honest, funny, entertaining and family friendly. All of those qualities are not easy to find in the gaming world. Then Brian blew my mind by coming out with a book that literally encourages your little reader/gamer to stop the games for a while and take some time for selfcare. He has written an engaging story that helps a young reader to understand what can happen if they don't balance the gaming with healthy habits. The illustrations are bright and animated. Kevin Hinkle encapsulates Brian's gamer character and perfectly depicts him and all his shenanigans. Brian and Kevin have created a great book to help us all remember to take care of ourselves. Check out Brian, Kevin and this book.
Healthcare is so important. But going to the doctor and be confusing and scary for a little one. Becky Carlyle wrote a wonderful story to help the process. Chiara Civati is a very talented artist that captures the adorable baby wondering what all will happen at the doctor. This book reminds us of all of the caring professionals that have dedicated so much to support us and help us all be healthy. Check out this book and share it with your family.
Sis and Chrys are two very talented sisters that collaborate to create amazing picture books. This book is a favorite of mine because it encourages looking at situations differently to inspire positivity. This is an important message to remind our young readers. The artwork is so detailed and expressive. It is incredible that all the images are photographed paper craft. The sister duo has shared a relatable and funny story that helps us all remember to flip our thinking and look for something good. Check out this fun read.
I love a good bedtime book and when you combine a bedtime book with calming breathing exercises I am overjoyed. Colleen captures the essence of peace in this beautifully illustrated book. From the very moment you and your little reader open this book, to the very last page you are practicing the art of quality breathing and meditating. I love the simple text that is complimented by the images of parental animals lovingly helping their little ones prepare for a night of comfortable rest. Give this book a look. It will become a bedtime family favorite.
Just in time for summer, John's Camping Adventures by JoAnn M. Dickinson is a great children's book to share with your nature loving readers. JoAnn takes us through several camping experiences with a story in rhyme and fun illustrations. Your young reader might be able to relate to a camping memory or be inspired to try something new. This is a book you will read over and over this summer. JoAnn has several books to enjoy. Check out all her books.
This book has all the goods. It is a story in rhyme that reminds us about hope and kindness. The illustrations are done by Gloria's son. I love a mother/son creative collaboration. The soft colors used in the images are so peaceful. It is perfect for nap and bedtime reads. Gloria writes a relatable tale about how to overcome and connect with love and kindness. She reminds us that smallest gift or gesture can mean so much. I love how many different conversations can come from this book. This is a great book for classrooms and families to read together and talk about kindness.
This is a great read anytime but especially during Valentine's Day. I read it with my son and we both had moments of empathy and fond memories of lovies dear to us. I have learned from Amy Varoce so many details about her book. The stories are from true events she has collected from friends. The illustrator that created the funny relatable illustrations also designs wrapping paper hence all the wonderful patterns to mesmerize over throughout the book. I feel that this book is perfect for all ages. Whether you are reading to a current lovey transporter or a retired lovey handler, Lovey Adventures is a book everyone can enjoy.
I am very happy to share this special clever story by Madeline Rivers. Leif Falls takes you and your curious reader through the thoughts of Leif and what he should do next. He has a lot of ideas, apprehensions and hesitations because his next move is a big one. I love how this book opens up so many conversations about trying new things, being brave and taking a leap of faith. The warm water colors created by Madeline are soft on the eyes and so expressive. Take a leap of faith and check out this up coming family favorite story.
This is a very special Holiday time book with all the magic and wonder of Christmas. Rikke Melgaard Liffiton shares her Danish Christmas and Holiday traditions by taking us into the world of the Christmas Nisse (Nissa in Danish). These little busy Christmas helpers live in a magical door that arrives in our homes to collect the Christmas joy they find. They are all about kindness, love and making Christmas happy memories. The illustrations are a sparkling snowy land. You will just want to get your hot chocolate mug full and enjoy the story with your family and friends.
Amen Kaur has created an emotion guide book to help our whole family deal with our feelings. The illustrations are expressive and relatable. My son, who loves to draw, spent a lot of time studying the feelings portrayed in the illustrations. Amen takes us through several types of feelings and scenarios that we all deal with on a daily bases. Readers of all ages can get a lot of great tips of how to work through emotions and feelings. I like that this book can be read all at once or perused in pieces as needed with the circumstances of the moment. Amen gently reminds us of our inner powers and abilities to find the tools and resources we need to be our best and our healthiest. I truly love this book and I hope you check it out. You can learn more about Amen Kaur, her book and her blog about Mindful Parenting on her website.
Kathleen Sheridan Russell has written a clever adventure about a silly bear that needs a little help to find his way back home. My son and I laughed at all the bright colorful illustrations and the crazy antics of this bear and his new found friends. My son and I had a talk about finding your way when you are lost and who you can ask for help. You can read the story and follow Walter's journey through real destinations in Whistler, British Columbia. The book has a heart warming feel and you can tell it was written and illustrated with love and care. Check out the website to learn more about the original story and information about this adorable book.
Jamie Lynn has written a very curious and silly tale about a strength competition in the jungle. Who will win? You will have to check out this book to find out. My son read this book to me and we had an interesting conversation about our personal strengths and strengths of other people we know. Taking the time to share the strengths we perceive and appreciate about each other was encouraging and uplifting. The illustrations are delightful and expressive, are created by Sakshi Mangal the same illustrator that did the art in Winston Winks and the other Winston books. To find out more about this book check out Jamie Lynn's website.
Here is a great summertime beach read for kids. The Tooth Fairy needs to help the Shark Tooth Fairy because there is work to be done and the Shark Tooth Fairy is not feeling well. Erica Morgan has written a very creative story that can prompt many conversation about helping others and aquatic creatures. The illustrations are bright and fun. There is a find the shark tooth game in the book on every page. This is a clever story that combines the worlds above and below water. Definitely a treasure of a book.
Layton Lavik has written this beautiful book about our planet Earth. When he found out he was going to be a father he wanted to share his love of nature, science and astronomy with his child. He wrote and developed a poetic story that is full of Earth facts while he was deep sea diving as a commercial diver. I can't think of being more immersed in your subject matter than that. I appreciate the respect and love he shows for the magic of our planet in his story in rhyme. The pages are filled will fun illustrations. Layton Lavik lives in Canada with his beautiful family. This is a book worth checking out! You can find out more about Layton Lavik on his website.
Sue Wambolt's second book in her Hollerbrook Farm series really is a shining star. Gabby the Goat gets in some crazy antics on the farm. Everyone is trying to figure her out. She definitely has her own way of doing things. I really liked this story that made me think about the discovery of our uniqueness and acceptance of the ones we love. You can find more about Gabby the Goat and Pete the Hungry Pig on Sue Wambolt's website.